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Wet Dog Food Questionnaire – Branded

Payment: £15 E-Voucher

On this page you will find the questionnaires when they become available.

This page is for Branded only (you can find out which group you belong to on the top right hand side of your instruction sheet).

IMPORTANT: Ensure you enter your ID & Access Code (Token) correctly!

It is vital you complete the questionnaire accurately and on-time.

If  you experience any issues with the project please email us: petfood@wssintl.com

Friday 23rd September

Initial Questionnaire – 1st Product – (Branded Only)

Click Me – Complete Today
Friday 23rd September
Wednesday 28th September

1st Questionnaire – 1st Product

Click Me (Complete Today)
Wednesday 28th September
Friday 29th September

Initial Questionnaire – 2nd Product – (Branded Only)

Friday 29th September
Wednesday 5th October

2nd Questionnaire – 2nd Product

Wednesday 5th October