Online research is particularly effective when you are looking to assess consumer reaction to new product ideas, packaging concepts or visuals of new products themselves.
One of the main advantages of carrying out research online is that it is generally more cost effective than traditional methods. This is because remuneration is lower due as no travelling costs are incurred and consumers can carry out the research at their own convenience.
The lower cost enables you to target a larger sample size. This can be of great benefit when statistical significance comes into play e.g. when choosing a name for a new product.
Wirral Sensory Services has been carrying out on-line studies for over 10 years using robust and reliable software that allows for data collection and analysis. Before we begin the study we will ask for your target market and then ask if the consumer would like to take part in the study. They will next answer a recruitment screener, and will be allowed to ompleted the study if they pass this. A link is sent to their email or mobile by which they can access the online questionnaire.
WSS provides a full breakdown of the results in straightforward and concise research report. We will highlight any particular strengths and weaknesses of the product and make suggestions on product improvement and direction.
We would love to hear about any upcoming projects you have in mind, so please feel free to contact us for more information or for a general chat.