We are delighted to announce that our new panel database software & the new APP’s are now fully complete.
Many have already signed up to the new system, but if you HAVE NOT, it is important you join the new system as soon as possible, this includes panellists who take part in the following:
Central Location Testing – Wirral & Watford
Home Use Testing – Including Pet Food
Online Testing
(Please feel free to forward on to family & friends so they can sign up too)
You can sign up to the new software here (you DO NOT need to sign up again if you have already done so):
Please also sign up to our NEW social media pages:
IMPORTANT: The old Apps on IOS & Android will no longer work, please completely DELETE them off your phone. The NEW app links are below:
Android: Download
Apple: Download
We have made many improvements and modifications to the new system, however, if you have any issues signing up, please DO NOT ring the office, instead email: recruitment@wssintl.com
Please also add the above email to your safe list in your email client.
If you wish to UNSUBSCRIBE, simply do not register on the new system.