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Taste testing is a vital component of consumer research for food and beverage companies. It allows manufacturers to identify potential problems with their products, gauge consumer acceptance, and make necessary adjustments prior to widespread distribution.

As one of the UK’s leading taste testing companies, Wirral Sensory Services offer a comprehensive range of taste testing services to food and beverage companies of all sizes.

What Do Taste Tasting Companies Do?

Consumer research companies offering taste testing services construct and execute research products involving both members of the public and trained panellists. In short, they organise and run numerous tests, including taste tests.

Taste tests are often used in product development to help manufacturers make informed decisions about recipe changes and new product launches. They are also commonly used in marketing to help assess the potential success of new flavours.

A taste test usually involves ranking products based on attributes such as flavour, aroma, texture and appearance. The results of taste tests can be used to help shape or validate marketing plans and make decisions about product reformulation.

What Are the Benefits of Partnering with a Taste Testing Company?

There are numerous advantages to teaming up with a taste tasting company, including:

Whether you’re looking to gather intelligence on the performance of your product’s taste versus the competition or wanting to assess the potential of a new flavour, taste testing is an essential tool.

You can also combine taste testing with sensory profiling to understand what makes the best products taste so good. This could help you to either improve your existing products or create new ones that are sure to be market leaders.

Lastly, positive blind taste test results are an excellent marketing tool. You can present your findings to retailers to demonstrate demand and encourage them to stock your products. You can also mention the results in your promotional materials to give potential customers the confidence to try your products.

Why Choose Wirral Sensory Services for Your Taste Testing Requirements?

At Wirral Sensory Services, we’ve been providing industry-leading taste testing services to leading international brands, startups, and everything in between for over 20 years. We offer a comprehensive range of taste testing services and can tailor our testing to meet your specific needs.

Whether you wish to commission taste testing research with members of the public in neutral locations such as shopping centres, or you need experienced taste testers with acute sensory skills to provide in-depth analysis, we can help.

We also offer a range of other consumer research services which can be combined with taste testing, such as packaging research, in-home use tests, and online surveys.

To find out more about our taste testing services and how we can help you, contact us today. We’ll be happy to discuss your requirements and provide a free, no-obligation quote.