Sensory Research Drives Product Success | WSS
sensory evaluation

Understanding customer preferences is often the key to product success. That’s why so many companies turn to sensory research – a scientific approach that delves into how our senses influence our perception and enjoyment of products. This methodology has become an indispensable tool for companies striving to create products that not only meet but exceed customer expectations.

At its core, sensory research bridges the gap between product attributes and consumer experiences. By systematically evaluating how people perceive and respond to various sensory stimuli, companies can fine-tune their offerings, ensuring they hit the mark with their target audience.

But how exactly does sensory research accomplish this, and why is it so crucial in today’s market? Let’s explore these questions and more.

What is Sensory Research?

Sensory research is a scientific discipline that measures, analyses, and interprets human responses to products based on sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing. There are many methodologies used in sensory research, but a few of the most popular types include:

This often multifaceted approach provides a comprehensive understanding of how sensory properties influence consumer behaviour and product acceptance.

Why is Sensory Research Crucial for Product Success?

The reason sensory research is so pivotal is the success of so many products is that it “lifts the lid” on consumer thinking. As a brand, you’re left with concrete data on what consumers like or dislike about a product.

For tests involving trained sensory panellists, you’re receiving objective feedback that helps refine product formulations to achieve desired sensory attributes. You can also develop sensory standards for achieving that all-important consistency in product quality.

Lastly, testing the sensory attributes of a product unearths opportunities for competitive advantages. Whether it’s discovering an underserved flavour profile or gathering evidential data regarding attributes that can enhance the effectiveness of marketing, sensory research can be the difference maker when trying to secure extra market share.

beer sensory testing

How Does Sensory Research Work?

Sensory research employs a variety of methodologies to gather and analyse data. The process typically involves:

  1. Defining research objectives
  2. Selecting appropriate sensory tests
  3. Recruiting and training panellists (if using expert panels)
  4. Conducting tests under controlled conditions
  5. Analysing and interpreting results

Common types of sensory tests include:

Which Industries Rely Most on Sensory Research?

While sensory research has applications across various sectors, it is most commonly associated with the food and beverage industry. It’s typically used in new product development, reformulation of existing products, and for quality assurance and consistency purposes.

That said, any product with sensory properties can benefit from sensory evaluation. For instance, fragrance brands invest heavily in testing the olfactory performance, and the same can be said of household products such as air fresheners.

However, the food and drink industry remains the primary user of sensory research, given the direct impact of taste and smell on product success.

When Should Companies Conduct Sensory Research?

Sensory research is valuable at multiple stages of the product life cycle. There are no hard and fast rules regarding when a product should undergo sensory evaluation. However, there are broadly four product life cycle stages that usually involve sensory research.

sensory testing

Where is Sensory Research Conducted?

The setting for sensory research can significantly impact results. In fact, the setting will often determine the specific type of sensory research being conducted. For instance, testing in specialised sensory labs is reserved for precision sensory profiling with trained panellists or even scientists.

In contrast, central location tests often take place in public spaces for broader consumer feedback. While home use tests are primarily run to gauge product performance in real-life settings, there may be sensory elements being assessed by participants.

Each setting offers unique advantages, and the choice depends on research objectives and product type.

What Are the Potential Drawbacks of Sensory Research?

While sensory research is a powerful tool, it’s not without its challenges. One of the primary hurdles is the inherent subjectivity of sensory experiences. What tastes delicious to one person might be unpalatable to another, making it difficult to draw universal conclusions. This subjectivity can be further complicated by cultural differences in sensory preferences, which can significantly impact product acceptance across different markets.

Another potential drawback is sensory fatigue, which can occur during extended testing sessions. Participants may become desensitised to the products they’re evaluating, potentially skewing results. This is particularly challenging when testing products with strong flavours or aromas, as the sensory overload can diminish the accuracy of subsequent evaluations.

The solution to both of these problems often comes in the form of using trained panellists possessing excellent sensory acuity to objectively measure sensory aspects such as aroma or flavour.

Lastly, translating sensory data into actionable insights can be a complex task. While researchers can gather a wealth of information about how consumers perceive a product, interpreting this data and applying it effectively to product development or marketing strategies requires significant expertise. It’s not just about collecting data, but understanding how to use it to drive meaningful improvements in product formulation and consumer appeal.

Harnessing the Power of Sensory Research for Your Products

Sensory research is more than just a tool. It’s a gateway to creating products that resonate with consumers on a fundamental level. By tapping into the power of the senses, companies can develop products that not only meet functional needs but also provide enjoyable sensory experiences.

For businesses looking to gain a competitive edge, investing in sensory research is a smart move. It provides the insights needed to create products that don’t just satisfy, but delight consumers, driving both initial sales and long-term brand loyalty.

If you’re ready to explore how sensory research can enhance the effectiveness of your product development process, contact Wirral Sensory Services today. We boast almost three decades of experience in sensory research and have access to one of the largest concentrations of trained sensory panellists in the country.

We have played an important part in countless successful product launches and reformulations through our research projects, and we can’t wait to be part of yours. Contact us today at +44 (0)151 346 2999 or to learn how our expertise can help you create products that excite the senses and boost the bottom line.